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What type of energy will we use to power our home and transportation, and will it be sustainable?


There are many different types of energy we could use and some are in development. Some are fusion energy which is more sustainable than any other energy we currently use. Fusion energy is cost-effective and causes less pollution. The downs of fusion energy are, that it's very difficult to create, creates radioactive waste, needs a lot of scientists and researchers to solve any issues or problems that might arise. Whatever type of energy we use to power our homes, business and transportation will still have an impact on global warming.

But I don’t think whatever energy source we use will make that big a dent in global warming in our efforts to combat it. But that’s just my opinion.

Now Hydrogen energy is a different story. The pros of hydrogen energy are, there are fewer risks in energy exposure, fewer emissions to worry about, better energy output, no toxicity with hydrogen energy, fewer costs when transporting it, no risk of degradation, and fewer installment issues. The technology we use and develop will play a role in what type of energy we use in our daily lives.

The cons of hydrogen energy, based on fossil fuels, is costly to generate, is likely to cause issues with transportation, is incompatible with current infrastructure tech, doesn’t perform well in certain conditions, has limited availability, can do more harm to the environment, It requires a constant energy source, and it doesn’t provide long-distance transportation security. Whatever type of energy we use in the future id like to go for one that is more sustainable. But there is no such thing as the perfect energy source. If i had pick out of the different types of energy id pick fusion energy, hydrogen energy, solar energy, or wind energy. But what type of energy we’ll use in the future isn't set in stone yet, only time will tell what type of energy we’ll use in our daily lives.

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