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This new city is giving us the opportunity to come together and create something we'll call our own.


I came across this futuristic city called Telosa and which has a new sustainable city design. The company is behind the development of telosa say it will be Eco-friendly, with drought resistant water supplies, and so on. As a result of the various challenges people with disabilities face, this project's goal is to be inclusive to all - disabled or not - and create a community for everyone. The ideal states for this project are Nevada, Utah, Idaho, or Arizona.

The project is being developed by Marc Lore. It is likely that fossil-fueled cars will be banned due to the risk of climate change. The idea will be based on equitism. ( a twist on capitalism, where community ownership makes up the main focus) The city is expecting its first residents by 2030. The completion of Telosa will most likely take place in 20, 40, or 50 years from now.

Depending on how the city is built and how much money the group working on Telosa has. We'll have to wait and see if telosa becomes a physical project, but in the meantime, you can visit their website and sign up for updates to stay informed. I'm so excited to see what happens as the project continues! I will keep you updated about any news that I find and think you might be interested in.

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