A ground-breaking robot company called Trexo Robotics uses sensitive technology to help disabled children walk. Many of us are familiar with robotic exoskeletons (and I plan to write about them), but they're all designed for adults. There aren't many options available for kids.
Trexo uses a new delivery model. They have a home-based product called Trexo Home and a service called the Trexo Plus offered through physical therapy providers. Trexo Home is taking reservations now for 2023 delivery. It will be available for lease and will cost about a thousand dollars a month. The Plus service is available now through a range of providers in the US and Canada.
Trexo has an interesting origin story. Manmeet Maggu developed Trexo to help his nephew walk. Today this system helps improve kids' mobility and offers them a higher quality of life. I feel bad for kids born with disabilities especially when that disability affects mobility. Trexo may be able to help those kids.