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The dream to live in a colony on Mars could be a reality by 2050.


SpaceX is an organization founded in 2002 by Elon Musk, whose goal is to send humans to Mars and set up a colony by 2050. Personally i think a colony on Mars can be done by 2050, While many might argue that we should focus on this planet first before we leave for Mars, there's no harm in having options. We could do both.

Climate change is making Earth's environment more challenging. Extreme temperatures, storms. and arid conditions are common to both Mars and Earth. The technologies developed to colonize Mars may help Earth address the impacts of climate change. The technologies developed to address climate change on Earth may help colonize Mars.

All we can do is watch if Elon Musk achieves his dream of building a colony on mars. As a person who loves the future and all its technology the possibility to live on mars has always interested me.

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