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Teleportation, should it be made a reality or should it stay in the imagination?


Teleportation has been shown in movies and TV shows, for instance Star trek. Right now teleportation is just a theory. Teleportation is the transfer of matter and energy from one point to another. The idea of teleportation is something that intrigues me and scares at the same time.

I do firmly believe technology is nothing to be feared, can help better humanity, and can help reverse global warming. But for now i think it’s better we stick with self-driving and flying cars and other means of transportation to get from one place to another. Personally I don’t think teleportation should be made a reality anytime soon until we better understand how it works and if it can be used for humans to use safely.

Maybe in 200 years from now we’ll have teleportation as a means of travel, by then we'll have technologies we can’t even imagine, we could visit places on Earth we could never have gone to. Teleportation is something that fascinates me, i think about it a lot and where we can go one day. the possibilities are endless

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