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Space tourism is a unique opportunity to see the Earth from above.


Space tourism has been portrayed in books, movies and TV shows. Two companies called World View and Space Perspective plan to make viewing Earth and other planets from a balloon capsule a reality.

Both are just taking reservations at this time. Both promise flights to 100,000 feet above Earth — that’s more than two times as high as commercial jets fly. World View plans space ports in many locations worldwide, from the Grand Canyon to Australia, while Space Perspective currently plans flights out of Florida. Both promise to give you two hours to view Earth from during the trip.

Both companies’ services are pretty expensive, World View is estimated to cost between $50,000-$75,000, while Space Perspective costs $125,000. Only rich people could afford that, unless it was a once in a lifetime trip. The experience of seeing Earth from the stratosphere would certainly be a memory to cherish.


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