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  • JesseyTownes

Space hotels, are they worth it or are they just wishful thinking?

Space hotels have always been stuff of dreams. A company called the gateway Foundation has plans to open a space hotel by 2025. there isn't much info about the gateway space hotel. The gateway space hotel supposedly began being in built in 2012, the company hopes that the space hotel will be finished in 2025, but personally i don't think it will happen the way they planned. Since its a space hotel there could be difficulties in its construction, such as space debris as well as technical issues, etc.

A space station is basically the same has here on Earth, a space hotel would have visitors enjoy an few days in space and relax and enjoy the sites. Right now there there is one other space hotel that i know of and its just a capsule you can spend a few days in. i think space hotels would be so expensive only people like Elon Musk or Jeff Bezos could afford to stay in one.

But that doesn’t mean in the future the price of space hotels will become affordable to everyone. Personally i think a space hotel can be built by 2080 or 2100 but not by by 2025, that's just wishful thinking. All we can do is just imagine what space hotels would look like and what activities there would be do to on a space hotel. I remain hopeful that in my lifetime I'll get the chance to visit a space hotel one day.

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