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Lost in Space provided a glimpse into what humanity's future would look like.


Lost in Space was a sci-fi show that started in 1965 and ended in 1968. For those of you who are unfamiliar, it's about a family that was sent to another planet in their ship and a stowaway called Zachary Smith, who sneaks onboard and knocks them off course. (Jonathan Harris was amazing in that role,) The family and Zachary Smith find themselves lost on an alien planet and need to figure out how to survive there. They make do with what they have and build a way to grow food, establish a water system, and explore their surroundings.

The show was interesting to begin with, but I found myself tuning out fairly quickly. It wasn't as exciting as i expected, But that hasn't stopped me from imagining a future where living on other planets would one day be possible.


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