As we all know humanity has been chasing and fascinated with life extension (immortality) for centuries. There's many methods, regenerative blood transfusions, Longevity pills, Nanotechnology, Longevity genes, or molecular manipulation, and more. Life extension is becoming popular for so many reasons, unhealthy and sedentary lifestyles, obesity, and all the TVs and gadgets we use everyday. life extension technology could be either very expensive or very affordable, depending on what method you choose. Some animals have life extension or immortality abilities, such as jelly fish, and Hydra (a small freshwater organism)
Cryogenics is only for the terminally ill to find cures for their illness or those who have passed on. If this type of technology becomes available to the public and safe to use, I’d definitely do it. But i don’t see it becoming more than a last attempt to live. Virtual immortality is something i find to be something that won’t last long. In virtual immortality to many things could go wrong, a power outage or a virus gets in, you’ll die in that virtual world.
If I had to choose a life extension method I’d to choose molecular manipulation. I'd be happy watching humanity grow and learn from our mistakes. Everyone is entitled to how they want to live and what they do with their lives. Many people would have an issue with life extension saying it's boring, or not even possible, ya they’re probably right. But personally i think we will have life extension technology in the future. Not everyone is the same, some people want to extend their lives or go to the extreme and become immortal. Life extension technology is not for everyone, but for those who do want it that is a personal choice.