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Dust, a futuristic sci-fi app that will thrill and excite you!


Dust is an app that has plenty of sci-fi content to explore, ranging from short films to movies. I really like this app, it’s hard not to binge on it. Dust is free and easy to install. I’ve been using this app and I just love watching it, it makes me think that one day we might live in a world of amazing wondrous technology and visitors from other worlds. It just puts hope in my heart.

Dust is a great way to discover new content. You can favorite anything you like and they give recommendations. Dust has many different short films to choose from, it adds new short films to its YouTube channel two days to a week.

My favorite short film from Dust is about an astronaut who tests a faster-than-light-travel engine (FTL). He ends up going so fast he meets an alien ship. i won't spoil the ending for you, but it's worth watching.

If you're a sci-fi nerd or just curious, go ahead and download Dust. Who knows--maybe you’ll become a fan like me!!!


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