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Autonomous cars are here to keep us safe and make life easier


Our cars and other means of transportation are advancing technologically, and that alone means change. Few of us like that. But the world is changing as well. Environmental and societal changes require us to adapt and these technologies can help.

If all vehicles are autonomous, traffic will flow more smoothly with less stop/start traffic. Smart roads and other technologies will guide and communicate with autonomous cars. There will be fewer traffic jams and fewer accidents, for a lot of reasons – fewer drivers distracted or fatigued, less road-rage, and less human error. Fewer lives lost/people injured is a good thing! There will also be less time invested in driving or being stuck in traffic -- which means more productivity. Autonomous cars give people the chance to travel independently when they might otherwise not be able to. This means a better quality of life for a wide range of people.

Autonomous cars could be provided on a subscription model, opening access to personal transportation to more people. For example, the disabled, the elderly, people who have medical conditions that would prevent them from driving, and people who can't afford a car will find it much easier to get to work and other places. I think there are plenty of reasons why the use of autonomous cars in everyday life will be quite valuable.

Subscription models will mean vehicle maintenance follows manufacturers' recommended schedules and vehicles are kept updated. This increases the safety and efficiency of the vehicle. And because fewer cars will spend all day parked/inactive, we'll need fewer cars. Fewer cars means fewer resources are invested in vehicles. All of this benefits the planet.

People are understandably apprehensive about autonomous vehicles. They could be scared of losing control (as some are in air travel) or may miss the pleasure of driving themselves. And there may be other concerns. For example, hacking of the vehicle itself or of the data associated with its use can be an issue,

There are moral dilemmas too – software cannot yet replicate human decision making. Sensor technology is not perfect and can face challenges in navigating through difficult weather. Software bugs may also cause problems. Although most bugs can be fixed with an update, some updates can lead to more bugs or glitches. BUT autonomous cars are still in the development stage, and the technology will improve. Technology always comes with risks but there’s no such thing as living in complete safety. The issue is whether the benefits exceed the risks.

I think that as the technology develops and autonomous cars to become commonplace, people will get more comfortable with them and enjoy their benefits. Imagine, instead of having to drive yourself home, relaxing with music as the car does all the driving!

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